Marching Band is for students who like to combine athletics with music. These students are required to practice after school and on some weekends. They attend several small band camps beginning in Feb/March, culminating in a 2-week-long summer band camp in July/August. These students perform at athletic events and compete against other bands, where they are judged for their marching, music and visual components. This activity involves a great deal of time and a lot of dedication.

Concert Band is for students who focus on musical performance. They perform a concert repertoire several times a year and compete in the Music Performance Adjudication competition in the Spring.

Jazz Band is for students who have shown outstanding ability in concert band. These students are usually juniors and seniors, chosen by the director, based on their performance in freshman and sophomore band classes. They participate in a Jaz Festival where they are judged on their playing ability. They also perform at various functions in the community and hold a Spaghetti Dinner each May.